Some scholars (a particular breed of social constructivists) say that nature is nothing more than our experiences of it.
This is a future post so hang in there, it's going to be a doozy.
Here's what I've dug into/I am digging into on this:
Castree, N. Theorising: Nature – Society - Capitalism by Noel Castree - part I [Video File]. YouTube.
Demeritt, D. (2002). What is the “social construction of nature”? A typology and sympathetic critique. Progress in Human Geography, 26(6), 767–790.
Ginn, F., & Demeritt, D. (2008). Nature: A contested concept. In N. Clifford, S. Holloway, S. Rice, & G. Valentine (Eds). Key Concepts in Geography. London: SAGE.
Greider, T., & Garkovich, L. (2010). Landscapes: The Social Construction of Nature and the Environment. Rural Sociology, 59(1), 1–24.
Haines-Young (2008). Nature: Reclamation, Rehabilitation and Restoration. In N. Clifford, S. Holloway, S. Rice, & G. Valentine (Eds). Key Concepts in Geography. London: SAGE.
Landman, K. E. (2003). Doctoral Thesis: Constructs of Nature in the Mattawa Landscape: “It’s who we are and how we live.” Queen’s University.
Sessions, G. (1995). Postmodernism, Environmental Justice, and The Demise Of The Ecology Movement? Trumpeter, 12(3). Retrieved from
Smith, M. (1999). To Speak of Trees: Social Constructivism, Environmental Values, and the Future of Deep Ecology. Environmental Ethics, 21(4), 359–376.